


Lattice Technology Group, Inc. is an engineering consulting firm that specializes in Information Systems Integration, Test and Evaluation. Our technical and management experts provide assistance to senior corporate and government management staff who are responsible for integrating multiple information sources to achieve collaborative planning, operations, analysis, and exploitation. We help our clients plan, design, build, test and evaluate network-centric and horizontally-integrated knowledge structures through a unique and innovative process called the Lattice Enterprise Architecture Framework (LEAF).TM The LEAFTM process provides a simple, repeatable design methodology to define and “design in” interoperability for any type of information system, and can be tailored to meet specific mission needs. LEAFTM can be applied to all types of information sources and systems, which may include air, space, and ground sensors as well as other non-sensor sources. The result is a robust and flexible knowledge structure that is fully integrated at all Product Levels, and interoperable across the entire enterprise. Our expertise and support enables clients to create exciting new insight, knowledge, and understanding from their information systems, and dramatically improve overall mission capability.





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